Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Use the Term "Legendary" Loosely

Some of you may have noticed the humorous, if a little crappy and temporary header I put together using someone else's work. This "someone else" is none other than legendary cartoonist Jack Chick.
This is the part where I'd crack some jokes at the man's expense, but I'm sure you'll be sufficiently amused just reading the article. Or if not, this site more thoroughly roasts him and his works more than I could ever hope to.

The picture in question comes from the "Chick tract" (the term used to describe his hateful little comic pamphlet things) titled "Dark Dungeons", which demonized the players of TSR's world famous tabletop role playing game Dungeons & Dragons. As you can tell from the image, I chose the term "demonized" for a pretty good reason.

My first experience with Jack Chick came as a boy, when at a rest stop in California during a road trip, I was given a Chick tract to read. The tract in question was the widely distributed "THIS WAS YOUR LIFE!", a tale about a man who is a colossal dick in his lifetime and cast into the lake of fire after being judged a sinner and rejecting Jesus Christ as his savior. Pretty straightforward and inoffensive for Jack Chick. As a pretty spiritually confused child, I remember this little comic freaking me out something fierce, though I eventually forgot about the whole thing and moved on.

The whole experience was one of those odd cases where you assume that something that appeared in your childhood belonged only there. I thought the comic was a local thing, not an international phenomenon as I was absolutely shocked to find out later in life.

I'll get around to making a better header one of these days.

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