Friday, April 6, 2012

Feels Super, Man

I'm a big fan of the big blue boy scout, though perhaps not as much or in quite the same way as that last post may have implied. So, I'm glad I set that record (very) straight.

But in any case, Superman's a big inspiration of mine, as incredibly trite and cliche as that may sound. I'd like to pretend I've liked him since I was a boy, but that just isn't so. I never cared for him as a child (I much preferred Batman), and as a teen, I honestly hated him (I still much preferred Batman). He seemed a cliche, representing and fighting for dated concepts, completely over powered and something of a Mary Sue. But then I grew up a little, stopped being so bitter, and actually read some of his comics. Namely Birthright, All Star, Red Son, For the Man Who Has Everything, and so on. I found it to be incredibly powerful stuff.

Here was this larger than life figure, who had the power of a demi-god (or a full-blown god, depending on the writers), and all he wanted to do was to help, more than anything. And he didn't always succeed, but he never let that stop him. And he didn't always know what to do, but he didn't let that stop him either. And he also never asked for anything in return. Hell, on occasion, he'd earn the ire, or even the hatred of the people he saved, but he'd keep at it nonetheless. And this figure has endured 70+ years of popularity, burned into the public consciousness, and all for a very good reason. While alien, he embodies the best elements of humanity, but is not without our struggles and pitfalls.

And how could that not be inspiring? There's so much more, but it's difficult to properly convey. But it was inspiring, and frankly, it made me want to help, too. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but a big part of why I'm planning to go into the career I want to go into is because of Superman, because I want to lend a hand every day as he does.

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